
Thursday, 5 November 2015

Android Color Tool

  • Converting hex string color code to smali color code
  • Converting smali color code to hex string color code
  • Picking a color from a picture
  • Material color colections

Download latest Android Color Tool apk for developers.
AndroidColorTool.1.6.apk (bug fixed on android 6.0)
AndroidColorTool.1.4-stayos.apk (spesial with Stay OS splash screen) (

Color Converter
For converting rgb or argb hex string color code to smali color code and visaversa.

As an android developer we usually put a color code on resources and if we need to call from java code we have to (for example) write
int color= getResources().getColor(;
and then object.setbackgroundColor(color);

actually we can write like this
int color= -0xaa88ca; //smali color code
and then object.setbackgroundColor(color);

Or some times we have to write like this
int color = Color.parseColor ("#d02c2889");

And again we may write just like this
int color = -0xaa88ca

And as a themmer some times we found smali color code and wee need to know the hex string color code of the smali color code, and this apk will help us.

Picture Color Picker

Picking a color from a picture.
picture color picker with history. The color result and the picture file path is stored in a nice looks list. It will make easy for future usage.

Material Color Collections
A collectios of material color code with preview